2-hour Design Consultation

Kelly Interior Design consultation 2-hour
Kelly Interior Design consultation 2-hour

2-hour Design Consultation


Benefit from our 2-hour comprehensive consultation. Receive detailed insights, expert advice, and actionable strategies tailored to your unique needs.

This 2-hour session allows enough time to explore ideas, assess needs, and create a roadmap for a successful design project.

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What's Included:

  • Personalized Discussion: Understand your lifestyle, design preferences, budget considerations, and specific needs for the space.

  • Site Evaluation: If applicable, an on-site review of the space to assess its potential, challenges, and opportunities.

  • Design Ideas Exploration: Brainstorming and discussing various design concepts and directions tailored to your taste and functional requirements.

  • Material and Color Guidance: Provide guidance on potential material selections and color schemes that align with the overall vision.

  • Budget and Timeline Estimation: Preliminary discussion about budget constraints and project timeline to ensure alignment with expectations.

  • Next Steps Planning: Outlining the potential next steps in the design process, including service recommendations, project phases, and collaboration methods.

How we can help:

  • Customized Insight: Gain personalized advice and insights tailored to your specific situation and design objectives.

  • Strategic Planning: Use this time to develop a strategy for your design project, aligning vision, budget, and timelines.

  • Expert Guidance: Benefit from professional expertise to guide you in making informed decisions that match your aesthetic and functional needs.

  • Value for Money: A focused 2-hour session ensures ample time to cover essential aspects without overwhelming costs.

  • Risk Mitigation: Identify potential challenges early in the design process to avoid costly mistakes later on.

  • First Step to Transformation: The consultation sets the stage for a successful design project, providing clarity, confidence, and direction as you embark on transforming your space.

Let’s make a dream together!

  • The Comprehensive Consultation is more than a simple meet-and-greet; it's a focused collaboration to kick-start your design journey.

  • Whether you're considering a complete overhaul or just some minor updates, this session will provide valuable insights and clear direction, making the path to your dream space smoother and more enjoyable.

  • Add this service to your cart and check out now. we will arrange a meeting soon after receive your order!