Designer Story

Rooted in History | A Leap Across Continents | Seed to Blossom | Design Philosophy


Hi, I’m Kelly. The creative director behind Kelly Interior Design. My journey as an interior designer spans continents and cultures, blending ancient aesthetics with contemporary flair. Let me take you on a brief tour of my story.

Rooted in History

Born in Xi’an, China, a city where every brick seems to whisper tales from the ages, I was constantly surrounded by the marriage of tradition and modernity. This ancient city, with its terracotta warriors and city walls, instilled in me a profound respect for history and art. I became deeply fascinated by how spaces can tell stories from an early age.

A Leap Across Continents

In 2018, I took a leap of faith, relocating to the vibrant landscapes of Ireland. This move wasn't just geographical; it marked a shift in my design palette. With its verdant meadows, rugged coastlines, and buzzing urban spaces, Ireland offered a brand-new canvas. Here, I further honed my design skills, embracing the fusion of my Eastern heritage with Western elegance.

Kelly Interior Design: From Seed to Blossom

2020 was a landmark year. Armed with my cross-cultural design perspectives, I founded ‘Kelly Interior Design’. It started as a one-woman venture, with me pouring my heart, soul, and every ounce of acquired knowledge into my projects.

What began as a dream soon transformed into a collaborative symphony. Today, I'm no longer alone in this journey. I'm joined by a passionate team of partners, each bringing their unique design sensibilities, making our work diverse yet unified.

Design Philosophy

For me, design is not just about aesthetics; it's about evoking emotions. My education in both China and Ireland has shaped a philosophy that marries functionality with art and tradition with innovation. Every space I design is a dialogue – between the past and the present, between Eastern mystique and Western pragmatism.

The Path Ahead

As we grow, my vision for “Kelly Interior Design” remains unwavering: To craft spaces that resonate with their inhabitants. To tell stories through design. And above all, to continue learning and evolving with every project.

I invite you to join me on this exciting journey, turning your aspirations into tangible realities. Together, let's design not just spaces, but experiences.